Tuesday, December 18, 2012

3 Car Safety Tips | Cash for Cars Atlanta

Car safety should be a top concern to anyone who is driver or passenger in a vehicle. Car accident death and serious injury are a daily occurrence in the U.S.  It often that precious cargo is transported in our vehicles… our families.  Here are 3 car safety tips that may help to keep you safer on the road.

1. Your Car Needs To Be Visible At Night: Make sure you headlights are always turned on at dusk. You also  need to be sure that your headlights don’t have any UV damage.  If your headlights are cloudy, it can significantly decrease their brightness.

2. Don’t Let Your Gas Tank Get Low:  You should never wait for your gas warning light to come on before you fill up your tank. You never know when you may end up in a traffic jam or stuck on the road because of an accident ahead. You do not want to risk running out of gas in such a scenario. It is also damaging to your car when you wait until you are almost empty because your car will use the dirty gasoline that settles at the bottom of your tank. This dirt can get into your fuel line and engine.

3. Only Drive When You Are Alert: Tired drivers are bad drivers. When you are tired your attentiveness, reaction time and focus are all significantly diminished. If you really need to be somewhere important, but you are too tired to drive, you should call a cab or have a friend drive you.

Keep yourself, friends and family safe.  Always make safety your top priority whenever you get behind the wheel.  You also want to make sure that any new car you plan on buying has a high safety rating. After you purchase your new vehicle, we will buy your old car.  We pay cash for cars and will offer friendly same day pick up.  

Dollars For Junk Cars | Cash for Junk Cars Atlanta
1-855-587-CASH (2274)
Cash for Cars Atlanta