Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why You Should Sell Your Junk Car

Dollars for Junk Cars is an Atlanta based company that is dedicated to buying all types of vehicles (running & not running) within the Atlanta Metro Area & Surrounding Suburbs. Many people think it’s complicated or a hassle to get rid of their old junk car, truck or van.  Our car buying process is very reliable, professional, quick and friendly. Here are a few reasons to sell your junk car for cash:

1. Even if your car is just sitting in the driveway collecting dust, you still need to keep it at least minimally insured. If you ad that cost up month over month, keeping your old junk car can actually be costing you quite a bit of money each year.

2. Having a junk car sitting in your driveway can be a real eyesore.  It can significantly reduce your home’s curb appeal and  your neighbors probably are not too fond of it either.

3. You will probably get more money than you think for selling it. If you contact a reputable junk car buyer, like us, you can get top dollar for your junk car.

If you are considering selling your junk car for cash, call us and we can explain the process to you and give you a free quote. We buy used and junk cars. Get cash for your junk car today. 

Dollars For Junk Cars | Cash for Junk Cars Atlanta
1-855-587-CASH (2274)
Cash for Cars Atlanta

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tips To Stop Getting Parking Tickets | Cash For Junk Cars Atlanta

No one is immune to the “parking police”.  They seem to circle like vultures just waiting for you to slip up.  Parking tickets are huge revenue generators for most cities so they will not be going away anytime soon.  Here’s a few tips to help you avoid getting another parking ticket:

PAY THE PARKING METER AND USE A TIMER. Always pay the meter! Even if that means abandoning your parking spot to get the proper tender to pay and coming back. Don’t ever think that just because you plan on running in and out that you won’t get a ticket in the meantime.  Once you pay the meter, use your cell phone or smart phone to set an alarm to go off 15 minutes before your meter expires so that you know when it’s time to refresh it. 

KEEP A SPARE CHANGE STASH IN YOUR CAR. You don’t want to find the perfect parking space and realize that you don’t have any change.  Every time you get change from a store or drive thru, store it in the same place in your car and only use it for parking meters and tolls. 

READ THE SIGNS CAREFULLY.  Sometimes parking policies vary by day, time of day or even time of year.  Read all the signage very carefully so that you can be sure that you are only paying when you have to and that you are not in a temporarily restricted area.  

Hopefully, these tips can spare you the misery of ever getting another parking ticket. Keep your cash for the important things in life, not parking violations.  When you want even more cash in hand, contact us. We buy used and junk cars. Get cash for your junk car today. 

Dollars For Junk Cars | Cash for Junk Cars Atlanta
1-855-587-CASH (2274)
Cash for Cars Atlanta

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What To Do When Test Driving A Car | Cash for Cars Atlanta

When you are ready to test drive a new car, you have to get beyond the bells and whistles and examine important features of the car to see if it’s a good fit for you.  Here are 3 helpful tips to help you make your test drive count:

1. Come In Prepared.  When  you arrive at the dealership you should already know what cars are available, which ones you are interested in (and why) and what options are must haves for you. 

2. Drive multiple vehicles on the same day.  Try to drive as many of the cars that you are interested in back to back. Your likes and dislikes from each car will then be fresh in your mind. Bring a notepad with you and jot down notes after each test drive.

3. Try out all the features.  As the salesman points out this bell and that whistle, don’t just take their word for it. Try them out yourself. Then you can see if they are easy to use, of good quality and important to you as a buyer. 

Buying a car is such a major investment. Be sure you choose the perfect car for you and make your test drive worth it. When you are ready to sell your car, call us. We buy old cars and junk cars.  We offer cash for cars in Atlanta.

Dollars For Junk Cars | Cash for Junk Cars Atlanta
1-855-587-CASH (2274)
Cash for Cars Atlanta

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How To Find A Good Mechanic

It can be hard to find a mechanic who does quality work and is honest.  Here are a few tips for finding a good mechanic you can depend on. 

1.  Check For Certifications & Training.  Ask the mechanic specifically what they are certified in and if they participate in ongoing training. For example, are NATEF/ASE Master Certified.

2.  Conduct Online Research. Of course not every online review is reliable, but if you look at a number of them and see a trend it is likely to be highlighting at least some truth. 

3. Do A Little Surveillance.  Drive by and stop in. Take a look at how busy they are, if the clients inside seem happy, if it clean and organized and whether they are taking on any commercial clients (which may be a positive indicator of their workmanship). 

4. Get Your Old Parts.  Ask the mechanic if they are willing to give you your old parts after the work is complete. If they are at all hesitant, you may want to keep looking. 

Since maintenance and repairs are always involved in owning a car, it’s important to find a good mechanic.  When you are ready to sell your car, call us. We buy old cars and junk cars.  We offer cash for cars in Atlanta.

Dollars For Junk Cars | Cash for Junk Cars Atlanta
1-855-587-CASH (2274)
Cash for Cars Atlanta