Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tips To Stop Getting Parking Tickets | Cash For Junk Cars Atlanta

No one is immune to the “parking police”.  They seem to circle like vultures just waiting for you to slip up.  Parking tickets are huge revenue generators for most cities so they will not be going away anytime soon.  Here’s a few tips to help you avoid getting another parking ticket:

PAY THE PARKING METER AND USE A TIMER. Always pay the meter! Even if that means abandoning your parking spot to get the proper tender to pay and coming back. Don’t ever think that just because you plan on running in and out that you won’t get a ticket in the meantime.  Once you pay the meter, use your cell phone or smart phone to set an alarm to go off 15 minutes before your meter expires so that you know when it’s time to refresh it. 

KEEP A SPARE CHANGE STASH IN YOUR CAR. You don’t want to find the perfect parking space and realize that you don’t have any change.  Every time you get change from a store or drive thru, store it in the same place in your car and only use it for parking meters and tolls. 

READ THE SIGNS CAREFULLY.  Sometimes parking policies vary by day, time of day or even time of year.  Read all the signage very carefully so that you can be sure that you are only paying when you have to and that you are not in a temporarily restricted area.  

Hopefully, these tips can spare you the misery of ever getting another parking ticket. Keep your cash for the important things in life, not parking violations.  When you want even more cash in hand, contact us. We buy used and junk cars. Get cash for your junk car today. 

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