Having a car wreck can be a devastating experience. Having a car wreck if you are uninsured or under-insured can be catastrophic. Minimizing your loss is crucial. Your insurance may have covered the other driver’s damage, but not yours. So now what? Don’t assume that your car is a total loss. You still have options.
If you have car that has been wrecked in a car crash, call us. We are experienced in assessing wrecked vehicles to determine their true value. We don’t turn people away just because their vehicle has been in an accident. We will buy your wrecked car in Atlanta. Our wrecked car removal process is simple and will put cash in your hand today!
To start our hassled free wrecked car removal process, just follow this easy 3 step process:
1. Call us or complete our online form and we will give you an instant FREE QUOTE and initiate the sale of your wrecked car.
2. We will schedule a time (normally the same day) to come and remove your wrecked car.
3. Get fast cash for your wrecked car. We will pay you top dollar for your car on the spot.
Call us today for a free quote and same day removal of your wrecked car. Sell your wrecked car in Atlanta to a trusted Atlanta car buyer!
Dollars For Junk Cars | Cash for Wrecked Cars Atlanta
1-855-587-CASH (2274)