Friday, March 9, 2012

How to Prepare Your Car For Sale

When you are ready to sell your car, you want to make a good impression right away with a potential buyer.  People form opinions and impressions very quickly, often at first glance. Be sure that this first look is positive. Properly prepare your car and give it curb appeal.

Be sure your car looks clean and attractive. Here's a a list of simple things you can do to prepare your car for sale:

•Wash and vacuum the car and consider having it detailed.
•Consider making low-cost repairs yourself rather than selling it "as is."
•Shovel out all the junk from the inside of the car.
•Wipe the brake dust off the wheel covers and treat the tires with a tire gloss product.
•Thoroughly clean the windows (inside and out) and all the mirrored surfaces.
•Wipe down the dashboard and empty the ashtrays.
•Have all your maintenance records ready to show prospective buyers.

If you are looking for an even simpler and hassle free way to get rid of your old car, contact us.  Dollars For Junk Cars will offer cash for your car and free towing the same day in most cases. We pay cash for your car!! Instead of putting ads in local papers and on Craig's List, call us and we will pay TOP DOLLAR for your old car.
1-855-587-CASH (2274)