Wednesday, May 23, 2012

3 Things To Consider When Choosing A Car

1.       Set A Budget. Set a strict budget so that you won’t be swayed by the cars that my have that “wow” factor, but in reality you simply can’t afford. Your budget should not be based on monthly payments, but the total sale price of the car.  Then accept the highest payment you can afford when you finance it to minimize what you will be paying in interest. You may want to research  car prices online before heading out to dealerships so you know what makes and models fall within your budget.

2.       Know the gas mileage on the car.  Sometimes we only think about the cost of the car, but fuel efficiency is very important too. Think about your daily commute, road trips and errands.   These all add up and the better the fuel efficiency the more money you will keep in your wallet.  Add up your average weekly mileage and calculate how much you will spend on gas a week on various models you are interested in. 

3.       Put safety at the top of your list.  Check your cars safety rating and weigh that factor heavily.  Not only can a safer car save your life in an accident, but it may also reduce your auto insurance rate. 

Choosing a new car is a big decision and usually one we have to live with for years.  Make sure you choose wisely to ensure you are happy with your car and your savings account.  When you are ready to sell your old car, call us. We buy cars!! We will give you cash for you car.
1-855-587-CASH (2274)
Cash for Cars Atlanta