Many people think of leasing as financially unattractive in comparison to buying a new car. Although leasing is not ideal of everyone in every circumstance, much of what is believed about car leases is false. Here are 3 important facts you should know about leasing a vehicle that just may change your mind about leasing your next car:
1. You Can Get As Good Of A Deal Leasing A Car As You Can Buying A Car. This is important to know. Many people that you have to work with the stick price on a car when you want to lease it, but that is false. You can negotiate the price of the vehicle that the lease is based on, your interest rate and your monthly payments.
2. You Can Get Tax Savings On Leases. When you lease a vehicle, normally you will only pay taxes on the monthly payments not on the total cost of the vehicle itself.
3. You Don’t Always Have Fees At The End Of A Lease. Most people automatically assume you will be hit with big fees at the end of your lease. If you take care of the car and stay within the allotted mileage you probably won’t have any fees when you turn your car in. If you know that the allotted mileage is not sufficient for your driving needs, be sure to negotiate a higher allotment BEFORE you lease the car.
Leasing a vehicle definitely has its advantages and is especially advantageous for those who don’t have long commutes or like to trade in cars frequently for the latest model. If you do decide to lease a new car and need to sell your old one, we can help. We offer cash for cars in any condition with any mileage. Call us today for a free quote and same day pick up. We buy cars Atlanta!
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